As child Eddie Cook enjoyed scaring the pants off of anyone and everyone.
“I love to see reactions, falling down from someone jumping out, etc. because as a child I liked to scare people so seeing the reactions is funny to me.” said Eddie Cook one of the owners of the 901 Nightmare.
The 901 Nightmare, is a haunted trail located 3520 Mount Holly Road in Edgemoor, SC. It was opened most weekends throughout October.
Cook has two daughters who attend Saluda Trail. Savannah, a 6th grader, and Jordan, an 8th grader. For them, this isn’t your usual family business.
Cook’s daughter, Savannah a 6th grader, also finds joy from seeing others terrified, crunching together, screaming and running for their lives. “Most of, the attendees seem to say fear the clowns,” the Cook girls said. “They also fear the chainsaw, even though there is no chain,” Savannah said.
Savannah, who gets to dress up and scare folks going through the trail, said “It’s funny.” She has been through at least a hundred times, so it really doesn’t phase her. On the other hand Jordan has only been through the entire trail once, and never went back. Jordan Cook, the oldest of the Cook girls doesn’t enjoy it as much. “I don’t like going because it’s scary,” said Jordan an 8th grader. “I don’t like scary things.”
Savannah enjoys spending a lot of her time at the trail when it’s open.
“I’m there a lot,” Savannah said. “Every night unless my parents say not to.” Savannah gets involved with most every part of the trail, from being inside and scaring people to helping in the lines.
Jordan said she’s only out there if she has to.
The 901 Trail was originally opened in 1998 then closed for a while until 2005 and re-opened for the 2005- 2006 seasons. The Cooks reopened it again in 2013.
The Cooks expect to keep it going.
“As long as we’re having fun and making a little bit of money, as long as possible,” said Mr. Cook.
If you haven’t had a chance to experience the trail. It’s not too late. The trail will be open on Halloween, Oct. 31st, from 7:30-10:30.