Do you have what it takes to be a Wildcat Cheerleader? If so, the STMS cheer coaches want you to ‘BRING IT!’
A mandatory parent meeting for rising 7th and 8th graders interested in cheerleading will be Thursday, April 23rd at 5:30pm in the auditorium. Tryouts will be held: May 12th, 13th , and 14th from 4-5:30pm in the gym. All girls must have a physical dated after April 1st, 2015 to participate in tryouts.
Students are preparing themselves for the tryouts with high hopes of making the team.“I’ve been waiting all year for theses tryouts! I just know I’m going to make the team,” said Mckenzie McCorey.
Even former Lady Wildcats are prepping to earn their position back on the squad.
“Although I made the team once, it’s nothing for me to get cut from the squad next year,” said Alaysha Fewell, a 7th grader who was on this year’s squad. “I’ve been working real hard on my cheers and my attitude so that won’t happen to me.”
The girls from 8th grade that use to cheer seem to be pretty upset about leaving their middle school squad. “I’m going to miss these ladies,” said Carly Spikes, one of this year’s 8th grade cheer captains. “We’ve been through so much together and I just hate that I won’t be able to cheer with them again next year. I wish you girls the best of luck,” Spikes added.
Previous Lady Wildcats offered the following 5 tips that could help candidates during the days leading up to tryouts.
• Grin and Bear It
A good cheerleader never stops smiling. She always has a great attitude no matter what. Coaches love to see a girl with a great attitude; this will give them a reason to want to put you on the team.
• Blow Those Pipes
You absolutely cannot be a good cheerleader if you aren’t loud. A cheerleader’s greatest weapon is her voice.
• Be Confident
If you’re not going to show up with confidence, then you probably shouldn’t bother showing up at all. Cheerleaders are some of the most confident people in the school.
• Be Prepared
Know what you have to do and do it well.
• Practice, Practice, Practice!
Practice the routine you will have to perform for your tryout. Be sure to keep your movements stiff and your jumps and or flips flexible.
For more info regarding STMS cheer tryouts, contact Coach White at JGWhite@rhmail.org or Coach Dantzler at LDwyer-d@rhmail.org