It’s the weekend and you’re looking for something to do? Kates Skating Center might be the place for you.
Students say Kates Skating Center is a very popular and fun place to go on Friday nights. Located at 1530 Celanese Road in Rock Hill SC, you will find both boys and girls showing off their skating skills. Kids falling off their feet. Skaters speeding across the rink. People dancing to pop music. But most of all, youth just having fun.
Sophia Wilson, a STMS 7th grader enjoys hanging out at Kates. “I have been going to Kates skates for a very long time and I think it’s so popular because it’s a great way to make new friends,” she said. “Most of the workers are teens and they know how to have a good time. Because a lot of the people that go there , it always feels normal.”
Students say they enjoy Kates because its a great place to just get away. They say the like going when they need a break school or just a break from reality.
“I’ve always wondered why this place gets so much business until I started working here and I finally found out that kids don’t come here just because it’s something to do, they come here to make new friends and see people and to laugh and just overall have a good time,” said the DJ at Kates.
Stephanie Wilson, an STMS parent, remembers what it was like going to Kates when she was younger. “When I was my kid’s ages I always went to the skating rink with friends and my experience was really good,” Wilson said. “I only have good memories from it, but I think they definitely need some remodeling.”
Want to check out Kates? Kate Skates hours are Friday 7-11 pm, Saturday 11 am- 5 pm, Sunday 2- 5 pm, Monday 6- 9 pm, Tuesday 8- 11 pm
Wednesday they are closed, and Thursday 7- 9:30 pm.