You can spot them on book bags. Some wear them on their jackets. Others attach them to their belt buckles or phone cases. Even celebrities like Kylie Jenner, Kendall Jenner, and Khloe Kardashian are wearing them.
Puff ball key chains have become the latest craze at STMS. The puff ball key chains come in different sizes like small, medium, and large, as well as different shade of colors. And they’re not just for girls either. Boys have been wearing them too.
Taylor Walker, a 7th grader, has a hot pink and black puff ball key chains. Taylor said she spotted other students around STMS wearing them and decided to buy one for herself. Walker said she purchased hers from Rue 21 for 5 dollars. “I just think they are cute,” said Walker.
Ja’bri Agurs-Feaster, another 7th grader agreed.
“They are Soft, fluffy and cute,” said Agurs-Feaster who wears them on his belt and jacket. “The come in nice colors and they are very easy to wash.” Agurs-Feaster said he purchased most of his from Walmart and Rue 21.
While these have become a great accessory, some teachers have found them to be a little distracting.
” I have never experienced them being a distraction (in class), said Mrs. Madden, a 7th-grade math teacher. ” I’ve seen people in the hall hitting each other with them,” she said. “I do think they could be a distraction in class if students play with them and don’t get their work done.”