STMS students were ecstatic to participate in the annual Red Ribbon week. Red Ribbon week was held from October 23- 31 worldwide. It is a week filled with activities to get the point across that drugs are not cool and neither is drinking alcohol.
At STMS, all four guidance counselors, along with School Resource Officer Moreno came up with the activities for the week.
“I was really excited to see so many students participate this year,” said Counselor McCoy. “Although Red Ribbon week is a nationwide program, it’s not a requirement, it’s just something that’s encouraged. “That’s what red ribbon week is to share that drugs and alcohol are dangerous,” McCoy said.
Red ribbon week was started because of Henry Lozano. His friend Special Agent “KiKi” was brutally murdered and terminated by drug traffickers he was investing in Mexico. At first, he and Congressman Duncan Hunter made the”Camarena Clubs” and then later added red ribbons says website get smart about drugs. Red ribbon week has now become an annual event that many schools around the world participate in.
And STMS is one of them this year’s activities included these days. Many students enjoyed this year activities Monday’s theme was “RED OUT against drugs” were all student and faculty were asked to wear a red shirt with the dress code bottoms. Students also participated in a red ribbon walk. Students were given red suckers to eat as they walked the track.
STMS student Emily Greene said this was her favorite day. “We got to go outside and talk to our friends and just be ourselves.” Tuesday’s theme was “Don’t get TIED UP in drugs.” Throughout The Trail, students could be seen sporting tie-dye shirts with dress code bottoms. Wednesday’s theme was “LEI off drugs.” Students enjoyed wearing Hawaiian shirts with dress code pants. Students were given a Lei to wear as well. Thursday’s theme was “TEAM UP against drugs.” Students wore a team shirt with dress code bottoms. Friday’s theme was “PASS IT ON.” Students who paid $2 were allowed to participate in a Full Dress Down. Student Marquis Armstrong said this was his favorite day. “Everyone got to be themselves and they were all super happy.” The money that was collected from the $2 dress down was donated to Keystone, a local drug and alcohol rehabilitation center.
Counselor McCoy said the week was a success.
“I’m just happy that students participated, McCoy said, “It shows that there understanding.” STMS students were having fun while they were learning the importance of not doing drugs and drinking alcohol.”