STMS Yearbooks Are On Sale!


Get your copy of the 2014-15 Yearbook - The Roar- before they're gone. The cost is just $35 for a year full of memories.

Get your copy of the 2014-15 Yearbook – The Roar- before they’re gone. The cost is just $35 for a year full of memories.

Have you purchased your yearbook yet? If you haven’t it’s not too late. But hurry up, they are only a few copies left so you want to get them before they’re gone. The Roar is now on sale for $35. Students can see Mrs. Dantzler in Lab to purchase one. Cash, checks or money order is accepted. You may also order online. Checks must include a valid  driver’s license number and a phone number.

Tyler Eastwood, and 8th grader who is on the yearbook staff, said everyone should purchase a yearbook.  Mrs. Dantzler agrees. “A yearbook is a wonderful way to hold on to memories from throughout the school year. The yearbook staff worked very hard to put out an outstanding publication this year.” Eastwood said  he enjoyed being able to help publish this year’s yearbook. He said his favorite part of being  a part of the yearbook staff was “seeing everyone having fun while taking pictures.”





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