Apple developers called it “the biggest iOs release ever,” but does it really live up to all the hype? iOS8, the latest version of Apple’s operating system iOS which powers iPhones, iPads, and iPods was released in September. Compared to iOS7, this new update seems to be based more on improvements, rather than drastic changes.
IOS 8 focuses on giving the user a quick, easy, and seamless experience with their Apple device. For example, with the new photos app, you can now relocate misplaced or unintentionally deleted documents with all new smart albums. Additionally, you can now search your photos by the location they were taken at, the date the photo was taken, or the name of the album that it’s in. That’s not all either, IOS 8 allows the user to tap the search button in photos and get photos taken near your location, photos taken at the same time the year before, or even your all-time favorite photos. The developers even took the time to edit the editing tool. It is now utterly effortless to edit a photo that isn’t ideal for you. You can now provide your photo with the ideal crop, straighten the horizon automatically, and even change the lighting. Now this may seem like a lot, but Apple made sure this was all as convenient as they could make it for people of all skill levels.
With the all new messages app, you can share your location quicker and more vividly than ever. Now, you can add your location to a conversation and your location will be sent in the form of a map. You can add any sound you make to the conversation – a laugh, scream, or even a song you’re singing. You can use messages to send a video instantly almost as soon as you’ve seen it. Just simply slide the microphone beside the text bar and go to the video. This makes it easy to share any first times live, a stunning event as you’re watching it, or capture the moment at a dazzling location. This new messages app is refined to give you an experience with communication like never before!
The notifications/design has also seen a boost. Now when a notification for something like the messages app pops up you can type a response while you’re still in the app you’ve opened. Not only this, but you can do this for multiple apps like messages, calendar, mail, and more! In messages, you can also switch between the inbox and draft to easily copy and paste all drafts you make for convenience.
Last, but not least of all, the best features from the iPhone’s safari has come to the iPad, too. If you try to bring two of your fingers toward the center of the screen you will see all of your opened tabs, once you slide at the start of safari once you’re about to type, it will give you bookmarks, reading list, and shared links, and the all of this and more is in one update.
Even with all the new features and shortcuts some STMS students and staff are not completely satisfied with the new update.
Alexia Rodriguez, a 7th grader, said she likes some of the apps that came with this update, but some weren’t useful.
“I don’t use the tips or health apps because I don’t care,” Rodriguez said. “Some of the apps had to be put on your device for the update, while others you can either download.”
Mr. Kostecki, a 7th grade science teacher, doesn’t like the possible downsides of the update.
“I heard it slows down your device it drains the battery life a lot faster,” said Mr. Kostecki.
The biggest improvements that were made in iOS8 seem to have a bigger impact on Apple Developers. Apple’s brand new programming language, Swift, that was designed to work for the new version of iOS makes it faster and easier to create Apple applications. Developers are also now less restricted as to what apps they can create.
For users, these new features in iOS8 aren’t what one would call “amazing,” personally; I think they’re just more convenient.