On Friday mornings a dozen kids can be found hard at work in Mrs. Graves’ IT Lab trying to solve a twisty puzzle. The kids, a part of a fairly new club called the Rubik’s Cube Club, seem to be captivated by the colorful cube.
The Rubik’s cube was invented in the late 1974 and early 1975. It was invented by a Hungarian professor of Architecture Erno Rubik. The first world championship for the cube was on June 5th of 1982. Now kids all over the world are now trying to solve this puzzle.
The Saluda Trail Middle School Rubik’s Cube Club meets on Friday mornings at 8:00am in Mrs. Graves IT Lab. She said about 10-12 kids come on Fridays to solve the cube.
The cube solvers have also found a way to integrate art into this riveting activity. They have created at least two murals – one of a Christmas Tree that was on display in the community at Rock Hill’s CristmasVille. Another was in honor of STMS Principal Brenda Campbell who is the SC Middle School Principal of the Year.
“I started the club because I felt it would be fun, educational, and challenging,” said Mrs. Graves who admits that she hasn’t quite solved the cube herself. She does, however, always enjoys introducing new kids to the Rubik’s Cube.
“I enjoy seeing the kids working together and learning without even knowing it,” Mrs. Graves added.
The technology teacher said is hoping to host a competition between schools to see who can solve the cube fastest. Mrs. Graves wants to see more kids trying to solve the cube. The club,
she said, is opened to students in all grades, whether you’ve never solved a cube before or not.
Mary Jane Myers, a 7th grader, said she enjoys the club.“It challenges me to solve the cube faster,” Myers said. Elizabeth “Liz” Howard, another 7th grader, said she also enjoys participating in the club. “I learned how to solve the cube from being in this club.”
Interested in learning more about how to solve the cube? Check out the site below.