One way that STMS students have been showcasing their personality has been through hair colors.
For many students, changing hair colors has become a very expressive trend. On any given day, you can notice almost any color of the rainbow.
Some of the many colors have been seen at the trail include, blue, blonde, green, purple, brown, pink. Currently red seems to be the most popular among all of them.
” I do think that coloring your hair is a good way to showcase your personality instead of clothing,” said Isabella Tremell, a 7th grade Wildcat. Tremell has the tips of her hair dyed pink. While some students may have started this trend when school began, Tremell said she had been dying her hair for a while. “ I was coloring my hair before school started ,” Tremell added.
Kayla Weimer, a 7th grader said she enjoys dying her hair in different colors and has a specific brand she likes to use the most. “I think that the best hair dye brand is Revon. It does not damage my hair and has high pigmented colors.” When you dye your hair, you have access to all kinds of colors and techniques to do so.
Jaylah said she is interested in dying her hair. “I have never dyed my hair, but I want to because it would make me feel different from most people,” Mobley said. “Certain colors can pop, but some colors just shine more than others.” Mobley added, “I think that Red pops the most because it’s the most pigmented color.”
Not all students are into this trend. John Hedrick, a 7th grade student, thinks that hair dye is a bit over the top for school. ” Coloring your hair can be any ones decision, but I believe that its a bit over the top for school, if you have a bright color in your hair, it could distract students from their work.”
Caden Gibson, a 7th grade student agrees that some colors could be a distraction. Because of this, he prefers natural colors colors over “un
natural colors.” “I use natural colors more than bright colors because, brighter colors usually have more chemicals because of the color pigment, “he added

Even guys are enjoying coloring their hair.
Caden Gibson, a 7th grader, has a reddish color on the ends of his hair.