Leonardo Da Vinci, Peter Paul, Henri Rousseau, Piero di Cosimo, all of these world class artists have featured snakes in their work, but have you heard of a snake doing the painting?

This snake found it’s way recently into the art room. It was probably waiting around for the next art lesson.
Mrs. Copley, the STMS art teacher, sure hadn’t. On Wednesday, Dec. 9th, Mrs. Copley was going about her day, which had been quite uneventful at the time. As she casually walked into her classroom, she noticed that the cans she was saving for an art project had been chaotically knocked to the floor. By themselves these events aren’t that exciting, but what happened next definitely made it an abnormal occurrence. Mrs. Copley said as she took a closer look, she realized there was what appeared to be a snake perched on the windowsill.
Yet to Mrs. Copley this was completely normal. “I figured one of my colleagues as they often do, did it,” she said.
However on closer inspection this prank seemed to be a little more serious. Lo and behold this was in fact a living breathing snake made entirely out of living organisms, not plastic.
Mrs. Copley who said she is not known as a snake person screamed 911, to Mr. Runyan, the chorus teacher. Her call for help could only be described as a “Screeching Weesssssss!” All of the related arts teachers who heard Ms. Copley’s cry of help, came running.
Mr. Runyan who’s first thoughts were “Ooh a snake, can I take it home,” said the snake was “all black with a white belly, it was about 2ft long and was the width of a candlestick.”
Mr. Runyan even had backup. Mr. Denio, the Robotics teacher, also leaped into action. Together the two quickly looked for something to usher the snake away from the art room. What they found was a long wooden stick and a garbage can, without the lining.
These two heroes were luckily able to usher the snake into the trash can where he was transported to 6th grade science teacher Ms.Hart. The snake was put outside where he rightfully belonged and disaster was avoided. Hopefully this is one artist who won’t have any copycats!